p.13: "Smoove B" and "Cognitive Dissonance" share the same first bolt and the former has 5 clips .
p.14: A new direct start to "Plexus" starts left and tackles the steep face directly is a bouldery 12b/c named "Solar Power".
p.18: A new route "Riled Child" 5.6, 4 bolts is the uppermost route on the crag, right of "Bolterheist"
p.19: "Gridlock" 10b 9 bolts. Also, "Two Bolts Or Not 10b" is now ten bolts and STILL 10b! (and three stars)
p.20: "Kids Nowadays" 11a now 6 bolts (sport)
p.23: I have re-cleaned and re-bolted "Fractured Fairytales"10c and "Pothole Panhandler" 5.8, including the approach ramp, so that these routes can now be climbed from the ground (70m rope for "Fairytales"). I also added a new 5.7 in between (right of Panhandler). This route requires a 60m rope to reach the ground. These routes are of excellent quality, and are very exposed to view of passers-by on bikes, who often are compelled to comment (USUALLY favorably... :)
p.30: "Make Out" is 12a (and a very good, if short, vertical tech challenge)
p.32: "Animal Control" is now officially 12b (solid consensus), and now has fixed draws. "Alpha Dog" has been somewhat re-routed past a sloping jug, lowering the grade to 12c, a great and "affordable" tour of the left side of The Woof. I have also climbed this finish from the semi-hanging belay at the beginning of "Animal Control", for another great enduro-fest at 12d.
p.33:"Control Freak" 13c/d starts on "Beta Male" and finishes via "Out Of Control"
"Alpha Dog" has a much better hold at the crux now and is 12c. "Bigwig" has a new bolt at the finish, allowing easy access to the anchor to the right (Alpha Dog), which is much easier on the rope.
p.34: "Beefcake Pantyhose" 12a now has 7 bolts
p.35: "Hatful Of Heaven" 10d 6 bolts & separate chain anchor
p.59: "Urban Refugee" now has a mid-point anchor (11b), and bolts have appeared to it's immediate left, climbing to the same anchor (11c and loose)- update: I have cleaned this 6-bolt variant and it is now a recommended 11 b/c. "Seam Surreal", formerly an 11d tick, is now upgraded to 12a.